lh1008ELF — What, the ones at the end of the rainbow? NO, the executable.This is not a mythology story. This is a blog for ELF files— The Executable and Linkable Format files.May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
lh1008It all started in RapScoreThe purpose of RapScore is to bind individuals in a web application that will allow them to work from a credit-based system. Our team is…Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
lh1008Web Server Outage — PostMortem Mock Interview in HolbertonAugust 13, 1:00 AM (UTC). We received and error 500 that affected 100% of our clients traffic through our main server. The load balancer…Jun 2, 2020Jun 2, 2020
lh1008https://www.holbertonschool.com is just the beginning.It's midnight. You've been thinking about changing your currents life journey. In the news, you took note of a site, something that…May 25, 2020May 25, 2020
lh1008Postmortem: Glo-Net DD_DoS outage server attack incident report (creation)Report incident date: Monday, November 11th, 2080May 24, 2020May 24, 2020